It’s a time of overwhelming joy, sprinkled with anxious thoughts and frets over what to do. “Am I even doing this right?” is a question that all parents of newborns will have uttered at one or another time throughout the turbulent first year. It is, however, the natural and life-changing bond built from unwavering love for their baby that holds it all together. Furthermore, this is only one of the many new questions that parents pose themselves and others throughout this time – fortunately, all of the answers arrive sooner or later.
I, as a San Diego's newborn and maternity photographer, have come face to face with this worry many times. And let me tell you, never once has the horrible possibilities hounding away at parent’s minds come to pass. I meet all kinds of parents bursting with anxiety, anticipation, and love as they come for my newborn sessions, and I do not expect that they come calmly, for it’s only natural to worry for your newborn. I do, however, try my utmost to help soothe their worried minds.
A common ask of me and all newborn photographers is “what type of newborn props would you use?” and to be completely honest, a prop can be anything you choose as long as it’s appropriate. Whether it be anything from a family heirloom to a simple headband – it is perfect. Parents simply need to decide upon what is meaningful to them and their baby. You see, newborn props do have a tendency to create depth and enhance beauty, but the centerpiece of the image is the precious little newborn and this new life is always enough.
I choose to have a beautiful collection of props that I bring to every one of my newborn photography sessions to make prop selection an easier task for parents. Recently, I had the absolute joy of photographing a lovely little precious newborn girl called Sophia in her own home. Sweet Sophia’s parents decided that she would look good enough to eat in a dusty pink wrap and she certainly did! For the cherry on top, a pink flower headband was decided upon to match. And on top of all this, beautiful Sophia took a liking to the camera, she remained cooperative and strikingly photogenic throughout. It was such a blessing to have the opportunity to photograph an angelic little bundle. It just so happened that Sophia’s parents felt the same about the finished newborn photographs, expressing their love for the captured frames of their little adorable bundle.

So, whether it be a wicker basket to hold your newborn in or a novel baby designer hat – what really matters is that you’re happy with it and that your baby is safe. Put comfort at the forefront of your mind to alleviate any pressure or stress on your newborn. Not only that but make comfort a priority for yourself as well. This is a time to rejoice and celebrate your newborn while capturing baby's images that you will fall in love with again every time you lay eyes upon them.

San Diego Maternity Photographer, Orange County Maternity Photographer, Best San Diego Newborn Photographer, Best Orange County Newborn Photographer